Hannah – ADWPL with United Fuel Injection towards TAFE course

esides completing work placement as part of TAFE courses, students at Kennedy can also take part in the workplace learning program. The Authority Developed Workplace Learning Program (ADWPL) is a School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) endorsed program where students work for a host employer, gaining experience in the trade or business, and developing transferrable workplace skills. At the conclusion of at least 55 hours in the workplace, students gain the equivalent of one WACE unit. In this issue, we feature Hannah Weber, a Year 11 student who is completing her ADWPL with United Fuel Injection (UFI) in the hope of eventually applying for a TAFE course in automotive servicing this year.

Hannah was hard at work dismantling a diesel turbocharger when I dropped by to visit.

“One of the hardest things about this job is the muscle work,” remarks Mark, Hannah’s supervisor, “but I was weak as when I started at 15…and I’m sure Hannah will eventually grow her muscles!”

Hannah smiles as she continues to hammer through the turbocharger with the help of a steel mallet and rod.

“I dismantled five of these last Friday- some are easier to break apart than others, but I can always count on my supervisors to help me out.”

Hannah points out that having supportive supervisors and workmates is one of the highlights for her at UFI. The hands-on learning opportunities are also a motivation for Hannah to get up very early in the morning in order to catch public transport to make it on time for work at 8.00am. “Having to wake up early is one of the challenges, but it’s worth it because I have learned a lot her, and I have not even started on my TAFE course, yet!”

Hannah shows me around the different workshops where she’s been given the chance to sample the various aspects of the business- from dismantling vehicle parts to restoring them, to repairing and servicing vehicles.

Mr Ken Ringrose, the managing director at UFI was complimentary of Hannah, “Hannah may be soft-spoken but her attitude and work ethic speaks volumes. We will be very happy to provide a reference for her when she applies for TAFE.”

Applications for the TAFE, VET delivered to Secondary Students (VETdSS) program open in Term 3, but it looks like Hannah’s experience has already steeled her resolve in her choice of vocation, and has also given her an advantage for a successful application.

Mr Ernesto Ramirez
VET/Workplace Learning/S.I.D.E. Coordinator