The Four Pillars
To achieve an exceptional level of student wellbeing, Kennedy have developed the four pillars of Pastoral Care: Wellness, Outreach Program, Leadership and Discipline.

A nurturing environment is vital for student success throughout their adolescent life. Under our Wellness pillar are our Pastoral Care Team, Pastoral Care Programs, Transition Programs and Protective Behaviours.
The Kennedy Journey
At Kennedy Baptist College, our students are on an important journey. From childhood, through adolescence to adulthood, this journey requires support, encouragement, guidance and nurture for it to be as smooth and successful as possible.
Programs are embedded in our daily curriculum to provide extra assistance for our students. These include Year 7 Transition Programs (Thrive and SMARTS), Year 8 Gender-based Programs (Resilience Program), Year 11 Study Skills Programs and the Staff/Student Mentoring Program in Year 12.
Pastoral Care Team
Our team is passionate and dedicated to working in partnership with families to support holistic student well-being. The team includes the Deputy Principal of Pastoral Care, Director of Students, Heads of Year, form teachers, classroom teachers, a College Psychologist, College Counsellors and College Chaplains. Heads of Year are the first point of call for all Pastoral Care issues and we encourage our families to contact them regarding any matter.
Pastoral Care Programs
An important part of Pastoral Care at Kennedy includes programs such as Weekly Pastoral Care periods, Positive Education, Study Skills, Peer Support, Resilience Building, Cyber Safety, Year 7 Transition, Student Leadership, Year Group Camps, Community Service and Mentoring.
Transition Programs
Kennedy provides carefully developed Transition Programs for students transitioning from Primary to High School, Lower School to Senior School and Year 12 students to post school destinations.
House Systems
Our House System is made up of Falcon, Harrier, Kestrel and Osprey Houses. This system is designed to enable students to develop a sense of identity further and belonging at Kennedy, by participating in a range of activities including the House Assemblies, House Quiz, carnivals and other weekly events in competition for the annual Kennedy Cup.
Student Safety and Well Being
Kennedy is committed to protecting students from all forms of harm by providing a safe environment where students’ rights, needs and interests are being met. Harm can take many forms, such as intentional and unintentional physical and emotional harm, accidental injury, exposure to physical hazards, bullying and cyberbullying, child abuse and neglect, and exposure to violence and grooming.
Kennedy has a thorough Protective Behaviour Program based on the National Principals for Child Safe Organisations. The program is headed by the Deputy Principal of Pastoral Care and the Protective Behaviour Coordinator. The Protective Behaviour program is run from Years 7 to 12 through Thrive, Extended Form, Health Education and external speakers. We also support our parents through our Kennedy Insights, which is a series of parent seminars run once a term.
View Student Safety and Well Being policy.
Outreach Program
The College operates a Community Outreach Program, which provides the opportunity for Kennedy students to serve the wider community in a range of areas.
The Community Service Program
This program gives students the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others while also developing their own skills and awareness. There are many organised activities including working with Swan River Trust, Red Cross, Native Ark, Cockburn Council, St Bartholomew’s House. Additionally, each year Kennedy takes a group of students to Cambodia to undertake community work. Read more about the Kennedy Community Service Program.
Mission Trips
Each year we take a group of students to Cambodia to assist the local communities. This immersive experience allows students to be actively involved in local building projects, living and working in orphanages, teaching English, caring for children and the elderly, and supporting local workers.
Student Leadership Opportunities / Programs
Students are encouraged to get involved in opportunities presented to them, including:
- Student Executive positions
- Student Council
- House Captains
- 11/7s Mentors
- Student Leadership Training Camp
Positive Learning Environment
Our outstanding College team strive to create a caring and safe environment to provide students with a learning journey that allows them to excel and grow.
Behaviour Management Policy
This policy ensures that our students embody and display our high behavioural standards and continue to strive for personal excellence. Click here for the Behaviour Management Policy.