Key Parent Information

The Kennedy Baptist College Handbook is designed to be a useful resource for both students and parents to gain a thorough understanding of life at Kennedy. The handbook provides an overview of Kennedy values, facilities, staff, learning, guidelines and policies, procedures and much more.

Read through the Kennedy handbook here.

Click here to access other College Policies and Procedures

Beedawong, Kennedy's cafeteria, uses Our Online Canteen system to provide an easy and convenient way of ordering your child's meals. The Cafeteria is open for breakfast at 7.15am, recess at 11.00am and lunch at 1.05pm. All online orders are to be taken before 9.00am.

Click here to view current menu

To get started with ordering online, visit the site or call their hotline 1300 11 66 37.

Payment methods

Beedawong utilises cashless payments with SmartRider cards, which display the student photo, able to be used at the cafeteria in place of cash to purchase a range of healthy snacks, lunches and drinks.

Students can top up their cafeteria credit on their SmartRider before school or during the latter part of the lunch break (1.15 -1.30pm). If parents prefer to come in and personally upload cafeteria credit, they are welcome to do this any time between 7.30am and 2.00pm. Credit added to the SmartRider at the cafeteria will only be available to put towards purchases in the cafeteria. Cash is the only form of payment that may be used for credit top-up.

Please note that SmartRiders without a student photo will not be accepted due to security restrictions.

Eftpos facilities are available for staff, students and parents to purchase items. The minimum purchase is $2 and only the card owner can make purchases on their card.

Cash will continue to be accepted at Beedawong.

Please call Beedawong Cafeteria on (08) 9314 7722 or email for any other enquiries.

Booklists and elective/course confirmations are emailed in early December each year. Students are to purchase items for their confirmed electives/courses from the independent provider specified on the front of the booklist. Books may be ordered online and delivered to a Perth metropolitan address free of charge (at the time of writing) within a certain timeframe as specified on the booklist.

Click here to view booklist.

Please read information regarding the Bring Your Own Device program at Kennedy.

List of Recommended Devices:

Whilst the College does not endorse any particular device, we regularly get asked for suggestions on devices that are suitable for use at the College. Based on the BYO program, and our experience with student support, we have seen the following devices used successfully at the College:

It is imperative that you check before purchasing any device that meets the College's minimum requirements. The above devices are provided as guidelines and you should be able to get a better price if you shop around, especially during sales. However, there is a range of devices at a variety of prices that are suitable.

Please note: Licensed copies of all required software applications will be provided for students to install as necessary - this includes Microsoft Office.

Device Induction Sessions

In order to ensure that students and their computers are ready for commencement at the College, the Kennedy ICT Department run Device Induction Sessions in January before the start of each school year.

Before and after school pick up traffic congestion:
The pick-up and drop-off areas can become congested in the afternoons.  This situation can be eased if parents are able to come a few minutes later to pick-up their child.

Traffic flows more easily after about 3.30pm.

No Parking Zone:
Parents are reminded that cars may not park in the pick-up, 'Keep Clear' or 'Bus Only' zones'. If you need to leave your car, please be considerate of others and park in an allocated parking area. A little courtesy and consideration makes the process stress free for everyone. Do not park in the ‘Keep Clear’ or ‘Bus Only’ zone. Cars queuing for a spot create a gridlock, preventing
buses from entering the College.

Student School Parking:
Due to space constrictions, parking is not available for any student vehicles on the Kennedy Campus but there are limited parking spots available at Murdoch University via application each year.