I was asked, as I was pulling down the Be BRIO signs and packing up BRIO HQ, “Is Be BRIO week over?” A simple question, but it made me think about the answer way more than the student intended. An obvious answer might have been, “yes”, while a more thoughtful one tapped into the whole concept of the Be BRIO idea and caused me to reflect on my place in our community.
Being a chaplain puts me in a unique spot. The whole inter-personal environment is my worksite and I can observe how people fit together and get along. The combination of every person in a community builds the culture, and cultures make profound impacts on how each life is lived. From this perspective, I was looking for the answer to the very simple question, “Is Be BRIO week over?”
“Yes,” I answered this student, “but being brio is never over!”
We always have the opportunity to bring our personal energy and add zest and light to those around us. This is what being brio is and I get joy when I see a student or teacher choose to add brio to even the smallest situation. This might be a student stopping to help carry something up some stairs or a teacher using their break to continue an important student conversation after class. Every individual adds to the culture at our College. Using your abilities to lift another up, even when there is no benefit to you, is what gives a culture zest and vitality. My vision for Kennedy is of a community full of brio.
Peter Chase
College Chaplain • Pastoral Care