
Why a Kennedy Education is the Right Choice

We understand the importance of selecting a school that is right for your child. Here at Kennedy Baptist College, you can be assured that we cater to developing the whole child — emotionally, academically, spiritually and physically.

Pastoral Care

At Kennedy, no child will get lost and every individual student will receive the support, care and nurturing they need in order to succeed.


We encourage students to develop the ambition to succeed and the determination to persevere, all in the pursuit of personal excellence. It is through personal excellence that students achieve their highest potential.

Learning Pathways

One of the most exciting parts of a Kennedy student’s learning journey, is the ability to choose their own learning pathways. The College proudly offers a range of pathway opportunities for students to follow, with a dedicated team of staff behind them.

Learning Offering

Our goal is to offer students a wide range of opportunities to develop their understanding and knowledge of the world around them. We aim to foster students’ God-given talents and abilities, and prepare our graduates for a rapidly changing, technology-centred world. Our curriculum is designed to encourage creativity, flexibility, problem solving and collaboration — all necessary attributes of a 21st century learner.

Specialist Programs

At Kennedy Baptist College, we encourage students to excel. To give students this opportunity, we provide unique specialist programs in multiple learning areas including sport, music and academic.


Kennedy offers a wide range of extracurricular activities to engage students. We encourage all students to seize these opportunities — to challenge themselves, bond with peers and learn new skills.