Alumni Spotlight: Shannon Hopper – Class of 2007

From being inspired by teachers who showed him “how to love people well”, to planting a church campus in Cambodia, the guest speaker at our upcoming Easter Services is excited to return to where his faith journey began.

“Somerville provided an environment where I could explore my faith,” says Shannon Hopper, reflecting on his days at Kennedy’s forerunner College. He especially benefitted from the lived examples of his teachers and Somerville staff, including the late Belinda Oeij and foundation Principal Tracy Holmes, who he described as being able to ask the hard questions to help him learn about himself while also showing how to love people well.

This lesson, as much as any science or humanities class, has shaped Shannon’s life for the better, helping him to connect with Nations Church where he gave his life to the Lord. “My only response,” admits Shannon, “was to serve Him and give Him my all, and over time that opened more doors.” These doors included working with the youth team at Nations before taking the huge step of faith to plant a church in Cambodia.

That challenge became even more difficult during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Shannon was tasked with not only running church online but helping people through the drug addictions and even supporting an ex-gangster get back on his feet. But Shannon’s work has seen lives changed in Cambodia and now, having come back to serve God at Nations Church Myaree, he’s being part of the transformation happening in our community.

Not that he’s going to take any of the credit for himself! “Ministry, which can happen as a student in school, when you’re in university, in a workplace, is about becoming more like Jesus and bringing more of Jesus to the world around you.”

The staff at Kennedy continue to be this lived example for our students, working hard to be role models of life long learning while embodying the College value of Faith. Our relationship with Nations Church is part of this commitment and Shannon encourages those exploring faith to consider attending their local church: “What have you got to lose!?”

It will be a privilege to have Shannon return to the College and bring us our message for Easter, and we couldn’t help but ask for some spoilers!

Q. Can you give us a glimpse into what you’ll be sharing at our upcoming Easter services?

A. “I don’t want to give away too much right now, but I will do my best to draw out some laughs and share with conviction who Jesus is.”

Q. So no spoilers?

A. “Well, I would love every person to leave considering what they believe and to really consider the state of their hearts – maybe more of Jesus in my life is what I need?”

Thank you to Nations Church Myaree Campus Pastor Shannon Hopper for chatting with us! Shannon will speak at our upcoming Easter Services during Week 10 of Term 1, on Monday 7 April (Harrier and Falcon Houses) and Tuesday 8 April (Kestrel and Osprey Houses) at 6:00 pm.

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