Last Sunday was Father’s Day and I experience a range of responses from those in our Kennedy Community when we celebrate this day. I want to acknowledge that there are many who find this day hard. It can be a time of remembrance, that causes us to feel again the loss of a father. For others it can be a hurt that resurfaces and must be navigated on Father’s Day. Please be assured we are always here to support through these times.
But for many of us this Sunday will be a day to show our fathers love because of the enormous respect that we hold for them. Within Kennedy there are some newer fathers and celebrating Father’s Day will be a new and fresh thing, while others are very experienced and have had many Father’s Days. This latter group will likely see it as a great day to slip on a new pair of socks!!
Fathers are one of the greatest influences on every individual and, therefore, every community. In my work as a chaplain, I have seen the impact that fathers have on others and read studies that show that dads have a significant effect on a person’s level of education, standard of living, potential of incarceration, mental and physical health, sense of personal worth and relationship success in the future. I have references to these points if you need them.
I would say that close to 100% of students I see at school each day make mention of their father as either part of the challenge or solution to managing their current life issue. With that focus I would like to say to all fathers that your presence, your character, and your relationship with your children is worth more than all the money you have made. So, from us at Kennedy Baptist College, we would like to honour the dads in our community. We see the love you have for your children and value all that you do.
Peter Chase
College Chaplain • Pastoral Care