2023 is a wrap! Somehow, we all managed to hold together the journey of this school year to arrive at the last day of Term 4 earlier this month. For some reading this, the routine of 8.15am to 3.15pm, Monday to Friday is an order to love, and holidays can feel like chaos with no structure. For others the opposite is true, and we love the rhythm of holidays. Perhaps, a few weeks into the holidays, we know now what suits us!
Over the past couple of months, we have been discussing that we best reflect the image of our creator when we hold together ordered creation while resisting the ever-present chaos and decay of everything we hold dear. As we approach Christmas, I want to finish our year with one last look at this theme of ‘Order and Chaos’.
Christmas is about Christ, which translates as ‘anointed’ or ‘approved’. Jesus, ‘the Christ’, was sent by God as the true design of what humanity should be like and while humanity, at its worst, often causes great harm and chaos, Jesus is the version of us that can bring peace, unity, and order to our lives. When we celebrate Christmas, we can grasp onto hope that there is good on earth and not constant decay.
There are phrases from Christmas that resonate with people everywhere. “Peace on Earth”, “Goodwill to All”, and “Joy to the World” are great examples. This cry for peace and joy at Christmas time can seem small and weak compared with the chaos of the rest of the year but it doesn’t have to be this way. My desire this Christmas is that we discover a relationship with Jesus the Christ that fuels hope all year long. This is a powerful hope that stands against the chaos of the world because it knows that God’s order is the only answer for humanity.
I pray you have peace and joy this holiday time and I look forward to seeing you all in 2024!
Peter Chase
College Chaplain • Pastoral Care