Over the last two weeks, we have run question-and-answer forums for Year 12 Christian Education times. We gathered a panel of community members that have experience living with faith, and have faced challenges and setbacks that are common to everyone in our College community. This is the fourth year that we have held this forum with our Year 12 students and is part of our efforts to help them navigate their journey outside the ‘safe harbour’ that is Kennedy.
When opening the forum, I made the comment that many of the almost fifty questions the students had submitted could be found in the top ten faith questions asked in Google. Common questions we looked at included whether or not the Bible is reliable, why suffering is in the world, and if there is a purpose to life and what this purpose might be. Our very mature Year 12 students asked all these questions and more.
We have received great feedback from students following the open conversation style of these forums but it has made me realise again that there are not many places people can go if they are to ask questions about life, faith, and the Bible. Even in a Christian College or church, there are many questions people have that are sometimes very difficult to ask or are sometimes very sensitive, and so they remain unasked.
My heart for our Kennedy community is that there is no need to hide either our faith or our doubts, our answers or our questions. Motivated by my passion for a healthy community, I would like to offer the opportunity for every member of the community to be able to ask questions about our faith position. Please feel free to send me a message if you ever have a question that you would love to get some help with.
Peter Chase
College Chaplain • Pastoral Care