Words have the power to help or to harm. Words carry weight, and the right word used the right way can lift all those around the one who speaks the word.
Every year at Kennedy, we pick up a particular word and commit a whole week to it. The word is ‘brio’ and this week we are celebrating our ‘Be BRIO Week’. To be brio is to bring life, energy, light, fire and zest to those around you.
The story of Be BRIO Week at Kennedy is quite truly an illustration of this word in action. In 2020, with COVID still influencing daily school life, two Year 8 students begun a class project to run a school activity to engage with students. They grabbed hold of the word ‘brio’ and made a week-long focus on being difference makers at the College. This week was student run, student focused and lots of fun. The school felt different during that week as students looked to lift each other up and add zest to our College.
The purpose of this week still holds four years on. The two students are now in Year 12 and are about to finish their Kennedy journey. It’s with this in mind that this year’s focus is ‘Legacy’: be brio to such an extent that your light, life and energy continues to leave its mark on others, even after you have gone.
I would love to encourage every home to lean into the culture of being brio. Bring life, light, fire, energy and zest to all those around you.
Peter Chase
College Chaplain • Pastoral Care