
Kennedy Baptist College is committed to developing and maintaining positive relationships with all members of the College community and to the timely resolution of any concern or complaint that may arise. Concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and addressed professionally, competently, and impartially, applying principles of confidentiality and procedural fairness.

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to Kennedy Baptist College about its services or operations, decisions, actions, or those of its staff, or about the complaints handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected. Complaints are managed through the formal complaints process.


We acknowledge that students and parents/guardians may sometimes have a complaint about a decision, behaviour, act, or omission that they feel is unacceptable. Whilst most issues can be resolved through direct discussion, there may be instances where this is not possible.

For more information about our Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure:

Lodging your complaint

Please use the following form to lodge your complaint.

Parents and Community Complaint Form Student Complaint Form