Extracurricular Activities and Clubs
During and after-school programs and interest groups include:
- 3D Printing Club
- Art Extension Club
- Biology Club
- Book Club
- Board Game Frontiers
- Chess Club
- Connect Group
- Community Service Projects
- Current Affairs Club
- Drama Club
- Dungeons & Dragons
- Fitness Centre
- Film Club
- Junior SAS (Interschool sport)
- Maker Space (Craft)
- Minecraft Club
- Pedal Prix Racing Team
- Photography Club
- Student-led prayer meeting (as part of KPOW)
- Study Skills & Strategies
- Volleyball Club
Please note, activities offered are subject to change, based on student interest and participation.
Current Extracurricular ActivitiesTutoring
Kennedy Baptist College students are encouraged to take advantage of small group tutoring opportunities, offered in many subject areas, after school during the week. This is provided by College teaching staff free of charge.
Tutoring TimetableInterschool Sport
As a member of the Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) Junior and Senior Interschool Sports Competition, students compete in a variety of sports offering opportunities for fitness, fun, friendship and competitive spirit.
Year 11 and 12 students can choose to compete in the ACC Interschool sports during school hours once a week, whilst lower school students compete one afternoon a week outside of school hours. This program provides extensive opportunities for students to be involved in sport at a higher level.

Student Trips and Tours
Cultural immersion is one of the most valuable experiences offered to students at Kennedy. The College runs over eight overseas tours, classified as mission, recreation, linguistic or study tours, as part of our educational program. The travel adventures open students’ eyes to a bigger world and encourage them to explore new cultures alongside their teachers and peers. These tours have clear demonstrable educational values and aim to broaden life experience for each student.
Information on trips and tours are presented to students at least one year prior to the planned departure.
The tours currently offered are listed below:
Years 8 and 9
- Canberra & Sydney Study Tour
Year 10 & 11
- Cambodia Mission Tour
- Chinese Cultural Tour
- French Cultural Exchange Tour
- New Zealand Tour
- United States of America International Study Tour
Year 11
- Newman Indigenous Tour
Year 12
- Cambodia Leavers Tour