The Five Step Process to Enrol
Step 1
Step 2
Submit Document for Interview
Step 3
Enrolment Interview
Step 4
Offer of Enrolment Place
Step 5
Payment of Enrolment Deposit
Start Step One
Step One: Registration
Parents who wish to apply for their child to be enrolled are required to complete the online registration form with the required fee of $50.00 per registration. This is an administration fee and is non-refundable. The payment of this fee does not guarantee a place at the College.
Each child’s name will be listed on their respective waitlist in chronological order by registration date. For this reason, the earlier you register your child/children, the better your chances of being offered an invitation to an entry interview.
You will be invited to a Parent Information Evening in February when your eldest child is in Year 5.
If your child is currently in Year 6 or older, please contact the Registrar prior to starting the registration process to discuss the availability of a suitable placement for your child. The Kennedy Registrar is contactable via email or phone (08) 9314 7722.
Step Two: Submit Documents for Interview
Enrolment Interviews are offered in line with our Enrolment Policy.
An interview with the Principal (or delegate) will be arranged during the year your eldest registered child is in Year 5 or as vacancies exist.
Parents/Guardians will be provided with an ‘Information Required for Interview Form’. The completed form and all requested paperwork are required for submission prior to booking an interview with the Principal (or delegate).
We invite younger, registered siblings who are in Year 2 and above to the interview. The completed ‘Information Required for Interview Form’ and supporting documents must also be submitted for these siblings. Children in Year 1 or younger will be interviewed at a later date.
Step Three: Enrolment Interview
The student/s being enrolled into the College is to attend the interview with their parent/s or guardian/s. Interviews for prospective families at the College are an opportunity to engage on a personal level with a member of the Leadership Team and to address any queries you may have. During the interview, there is time to discuss the many opportunities available to students, College policies, orientation and transition into the College.
If a student applying to be enrolled has a specific need, disabling condition or significant healthcare needs, the Principal (or delegate) will assess and consult with relevant parties in order to adequately discuss how the College can cater for the student’s specific educational and care needs.
Step Four: Offer of Enrolment Place
If you are offered an enrolment contract during the interview, you have officially been offered a placement. The offer will be valid for two weeks.
The position is confirmed once the enrolment contract has been signed and returned to the College, and the enrolment deposit has been paid. The final decision for any enrolment is at the discretion of the Principal (or delegate).
Step Five: Payment of Enrolment Deposit
Following the interview, you have two weeks to complete and return the enrolment contract with a non-refundable enrolment deposit of $1600. Upon receipt of the contract and payment, your child’s place at the College will be confirmed.
Please note: The enrolment deposit of $1600 is fully deducted from the annual tuition fee during your child’s first semester at Kennedy.
More Information About Enrolling at Kennedy
Any Questions?
Please contact the Kennedy Registrar at or phone (08) 9314 7722. We are here to answer any of your questions. We also recommend you attend a tour so you can experience our campus for yourself.
After Registering
At this stage we only require the completed form and the $50 fee. We will be in contact when your eldest registered child is in Year 5 or as vacancies exist, to schedule your interview and request documentation. Specific documentation is not required until the entry interview.
To avoid disappointment, it is imperative that you notify us should you change your address or contact details after registering. Undelivered mail is rarely returned to the College for redirection, so it may mean loss of an invitation to your child's entry interview.
Enrolment Policy
Kennedy Baptist College has a 'non-discriminatory, open enrolment' policy, welcoming applications for enrolment regardless of race, gender, religion or ability. Affiliation with a church is not a prerequisite for enrolment, however, students and parents must recognise that the College teaches the required curriculum while maintaining a Christian ethos and accept that teachers interpret knowledge from a Christian perspective.
The aim of this policy is to:
- Articulate the basis upon which College enrolment eligibility will be determined;
- provide information about the enrolment process;
- inform parents/guardians and students of their obligations on enrolment; and
- ensure that parents/guardians are aware of fees and charges payable during the enrolment process.
After Enrolling
Welcome to the Kennedy community. To help your family transition to Kennedy, please visit our Transition to Kennedy page for more information.