Promises of rain were overshadowed by a day of beautiful sunshine in the tenth edition of the Kennedy Baptist College Interhouse Athletics Carnival. Although there were four new houses in Kestrel, Harrier, Falcon and Osprey this year, the energy, enthusiasm, and excitement was exactly the same as carnivals from yesteryear – not least through the traditional array of costumes and outfits worn by many.
Performance was at a premium on the track, with all participating students demonstrating excellence across all short and long-distance events. Similarly in the field, all events were filled with students seeking personal bests and chasing record-breaking performances. It was fantastic to see such dedication to excellence, right the way through from Year 7 to Year 12.
Concurrently, out on McGillivray oval, the Carnival B novelty events took place, with students competing in equalising events such as foam javelin throwing and the age-old hula hoop toss, while also demonstrating team spirit in the timeless game of Leaderball. A special shoutout to Mr McPharlin, whose energy was unmatched all day and provided a clear standard of fanaticism for the rest of the students to follow.
Thank you to all parents, families and friends who came to support the event, particularly those who cheered on all day.
Congratulations to all students for getting involved in the creating a great atmosphere for another fantastic carnival and the best of luck for those who will now go on to compete in the ACC Interschool Athletics Carnival.