Parents and Friends Association

Welcome to the Parents and Friends Association of Kennedy Baptist College.

The P&F is an association of parents, friends, staff and interested community members who want to assist the College in a variety of ways. The major role of this Association is to build community in the College amongst parents and fund-raise for the College.

The P&F lends a hand in some of the College’s most important events, including our Community Open Day.

Meet the current P&F Committee

President: Rene Puizina
Vice President: Tracy Beasley
Secretary: Allison Norman
Treasurer: Rebecca Flint
Facebook Coordinator: Yvette Bowyer
Newsletter Coordinator: Kate Gill
Sausage Sizzle Coordinator: Glenn Elliott and Glenn Beauchamp

P&F General Meeting

The Association meets once a term in the College Boardroom or Staff Lounge. All parents of enrolled students are members of the P&F and are welcome to attend the meeting.

Upcoming meeting dates:

  • Term 1 AGM & General Meeting: Tuesday 4 March, 5:00pm -6:30pm
  • Term 2 General Meeting: Tuesday 6 May, 5:00pm -6:00pm
  • Term 3 General Meeting: Tuesday 29 July, 5:00pm -6:00pm
  • Term 4 General Meeting: Tuesday 21 October, 5:00pm -6:00pm

Help us Fundraise

We are delighted to share that the funds raised this year will be used to acquire shade sails. These sails will be installed near the oval to offer much-needed shade for both students and staff.

Ways to support:

  • Entertainment Book Order an entertainment membership and support our College: We are very excited to be fundraising with Entertainment™. Order Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships from us today, and 20% of the proceeds contribute towards our College. Click here to order.
  • Brick Paver (more information to follow).
  • Supporting and donating to Community Open Day (information can be found in our newsletter).

P&F secondhand uniform & textbook Facebook page

We have a Facebook page for the sale of Kennedy second-hand uniforms and textbooks.

This is a concept that is used successfully by other private schools and Colleges in Perth. The College is aware that the P&F are commencing this page but have no input into the administration or running of the page. If you have any comments or queries, please email the Parents and Friends Association directly (not the College).

To protect privacy, content can only be accessed by Kennedy families. To enable this, the page has been created as a closed group and you need to be ‘invited’ to join the group. We request that the page is used for its stated purpose only. There are three independent administrators who will be monitoring the content.

If you wish to be part of this Facebook group, please advise by email and an ‘invitation’ from the group will be forthcoming. Alternatively, you may search for the group through Facebook and request membership directly. If you have previously requested to become a member of the group and have not received an invitation, it could be because your Facebook page is not linked to the email address that P&F hold for you.

To directly request membership through Facebook, search for P&F Secondhand online shop and submit your request from there.


If you have any questions, please contact the P&F Secretary at