Kennedy Baptist College stands as testament to the enduring legacy of William Kennedy (1868 – 1929), a prominent figure in the Baptist church and the Western Australian community. The decision to name the College in his tribute was driven by a desire to honour his profound contributions to the Baptist community and his unwavering commitment to faith, education, and the pursuit of knowledge.
A Pioneer of Faith
A devout Christian and influential figure of the late-19th and early-20th Centuries, William Kennedy dedicated his life to the study of scripture and its saving power, establishing churches along the Great Southern Railway, the Goldfields of Western Australia, and the Eastern Perth Hills. Most outstanding was his courage and boldness in helping others — when some would consider a task impossible, he would forge ahead and start it by saying, “I will find a way or make one.”
When Kennedy set his mind to something, nothing could stop him.
Honouring His Legacy
Today, the College strives to carry forward this legacy and instil a deep understanding of Christian faith, a commitment to intellectual pursuits, and a dedication to serving others. Our mission and values embody William’s vision of integrating faith and education to empower students to make a positive impact in their communities and strive for personal excellence in all they do.
These values include:
- Faith
- Integrity
- Boldness
- Growth
- Service
Strive Today, Conquer Tomorrow
What drives one to step boldly where no one has gone before, to overcome obstacles, and achieve greatness against all odds? Strength of character is integral to greatness and is born of spirit with determination and values. We believe one’s strength of character needs to be nurtured. It is the spirit of William’s story that underpins the College’s values and inspires students to ‘strive today, conquer tomorrow’.
As part of Kennedy Baptist College’s 10 year anniversary celebrations, we have chosen to highlight this through the construction of a mural outside the Research and Study Centre. This display in a common thoroughfare will give students a moment to pause, and to be inspired to act like William Kennedy: to never give up and to continually serve others.
To discover how Kennedy will create a bold future for your child, join us on campus for a Morning and Twilight Tour, led by Principal of the College, Mark Ashby. Your family can explore our campus facilities, meet our friendly staff, and ask us as many questions as you like! Book into a session of your choice below.
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