Thriving Chinese Classes

The Year 7s are learning functional literacy in exchanging greetings and sharing personal information such as name, age, and number of family members. The majority are first-time Chinese learners but a handful are continuing their learning journey in the language. Both groups are able to engage actively in lively language practice tasks by exchanging information with their peers. In addition, they were challenged to speak to other Mandarin-speaking staff and the feedback is very positive. 

Besides learning the form, they also learned the role of culture in language, for example, understanding the cultural significance in greetings, asking for personal information, and addressing family members.

The Year 8s are learning topics closely related to them such as school and food. Food seems to cause huge excitement as they are already very familiar with fried rice, noodles, dumplings and buns. As an extension task to the practice tasks in class, they are encouraged to order food when in a Chinese restaurant with their families and I am looking forward to hearing their stories.

In addition, students were introduced to Zongzi (sticky rice dumplings), in conjunction with DuanWu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival). On top of dragon boat racing, Zongzi are traditionally eaten during the DuanWu Festival which falls on the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar (14 June 2021).  

Mr Alvin New
English and Languages Teacher