Hello Kennedy Family,
Once again the year has flown by here at Kennedy Baptist Centre. 2023 has been a year of hard work, new friendships, fun, and exciting change.
On 16 November Transform held our end of year Encounter event for all our kids and staff. It was a wonderful time with all Transform Cambodia staff, kids, and families coming together in worship and celebration. This event is so huge we hold it at the biggest concert venue in Phnom Penh – Koh Pich. It has a 3000 seat capacity and we held three sessions over the day. We are so proud of our kids who joined the music team, and in particular Mengly who shared his testimony.
We love meeting members of the Kennedy Baptist College Family in person and this year we have been blessed with lots of visitors! We have seen not only student groups but also members of staff, sponsors, and their families. In November we had another fantastic visit with Kennedy Baptist College Students, graduates who chose to visit us instead of traditional Leavers celebrations. Highlights were making bracelets and lessons on pronouncing English correctly. They were such a kind and hardworking group, even helping with cleaning the centre. We celebrated their visit with a party on their last day.

The fun continued on 1 December when our staff and kids spent the day at a local Amusement Park. Everyone had a great time swimming, relaxing, and having lunch.
Our biggest challenge of the year is happening this month! Kennedy Centre kids are joining with kids from four other centres to form a new Super Centre. Kennedy Kids will be the youngest kids in the new centre so we will have lots of big “brothers and sisters” as role models.
We are looking forward to 2024 with excitement, especially the opportunity for growing our family and making new friends.
Sokpanha & Kennedy Baptist Centre Team
The Kennedy Centre in Cambodia currently has 20 children without a sponsor. If you would like to consider the sponsorship of a child to help their early development and crucial years of education, please contact our Administration team for details.