Year 11 and 12 students at Kennedy have the opportunity to enhance their education by engaging in VET courses while still at school.
In this issue, we feature Stephen, one of our Year 11 students who is completing a Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-Apprenticeship) through the College of Electrical Training (CET).
On a wet Wednesday morning, I half expected Stephen to call in sick for his work placement, but no, he was on-site and on the ball. “Rain or shine sir, we always have something to do and there’s no excuse,” laughed Stephen when asked if he’d rather be in bed, “it’s part of the job.”
Stephen was busy showing me how he earths the taps in a newly constructed warehouse.

“Taps and other equipment need to be earthed to protect the pipes if the current goes live,” Stephen explained, “it’s a necessary safety step.”
Alongside his supervisor, Stephen took me through the work that he had been doing on site: putting cables through walls, installing copper conduits, and wiring the electric gates. “Stephen has been able to do all of the tasks that we have asked him – they have really come to the work site quite prepared to do most tasks,” said Tyler, Stephen’s supervisor.
Tyler goes on to talk about his own experience as an electrician with a large electrical company, encouraging Stephen to apply for an apprenticeship after Year 12. “Larger companies like ours tend to provide more opportunities for apprentices- we don’t just do residential work, but we basically look after commercial and large industries, like the mining sector,” explains Tyler, “ we’re always looking for people who have the right attitude – I reckon Stephen should apply!”
Stephen smiles as he continues sorting out some cables, “the experience has really helped me lock in on a career as a sparkie…I’ll definitely have a go.”
Interviewed by Mr Ernesto Ramirez
VET/Workplace Learning/S.I.D.E. Coordinator