The Year 10 Work Experience program gave our students the opportunity to broaden their experience and understanding of the world of work by involving them in short-term work placements. Our students observed different aspects of work in a variety of settings. In this installment, we feature the students who worked in early learning centres and primary schools.

Around 50 Year 10s took the opportunity to work in educational settings, 45 of whom managed to get placements at their old primary schools. Reasons for choosing this path vary from the inspirational (“I’ve always enjoyed looking after kids as an older sister and an aunt”… ”My Year 5 teacher’s care inspired me to want to become a teacher…”) to the practical. (“Being a good student in primary school, I always knew it would be easy for me to get this placement”… ”My old primary school is just across the street”).
No matter the reason, our students in school placements had the opportunity to have a glimpse of what it’s like to be “on the other side”. Some of the insights from our student-teachers are:
“I think having the chance to teach has given me a better understanding of what our teachers at Kennedy go through…and why they keep drinking coffee,”
“Patience. Teachers need to have a lot of patience.”
Feedback from our students’ supervisors have been very positive, praising our students’ professional conduct, willingness to learn, and more importantly, the genuine care that they’ve shown to the students under their care- hallmarks of a good teacher in the making.
Mr Ernesto Ramirez
VET and Workplace Learning Coordinator