Year 9 Chinese Language on a Digital Cultural Incursion
Year 9 Chinese Language students went on a digital cultural incursion conducted by the Museum of Chinese Australian History in Victoria during their Chinese lesson.
Conquer Tomorrow
Year 9 Chinese Language students went on a digital cultural incursion conducted by the Museum of Chinese Australian History in Victoria during their Chinese lesson.
We would like to congratulate 2021 Graduate, Carie Breytenbach who is the worthy recipient of a Christian Leaders Scholarship for the duration of her undergraduate
Each year the College presents Community Service Awards to our Year 12 students to recognize the contribution of students both to the College and the
Award-winning artist Tanya Montgomery (or “Monty” as she prefers to be called) worked with some of our Year 11 Art students during a full-day incursion.
Former Kennedy Student, Aron Attiwell’s Fading Numbers short film brings Holocaust stories to the surface. Fading Numbers is a short film portraying stories of survival
The great Outdoors were explored by our year 11 Outdoor Education classes in Term 3 Week 10 and Term 4 Week 1. Students were challenged
In the last week of last term, we had several events where we celebrated reading and research! Firstly, we had the 11 in 7 event
Centre 32 is open for business. Even though our kids can’t attend in person we continue to deliver our objectives of Education for our Kids,
The VET delivered to Secondary Students (VETdSS) program gives Year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to complete a vocational certificate while still at school.
In the past week, general whole school NAPLAN data has been released to schools and it is incredibly pleasing to see how our students performed
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