Hannah – ADWPL with United Fuel Injection towards TAFE course
esides completing work placement as part of TAFE courses, students at Kennedy can also take part in the workplace learning program. The Authority Developed Workplace
Conquer Tomorrow
esides completing work placement as part of TAFE courses, students at Kennedy can also take part in the workplace learning program. The Authority Developed Workplace
SAS YEAR 11 AND 12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION This term has seen the welcome reinstatement of our senior interschool sport on Tuesday afternoons. We have a
All areas of our Arts Learning Area are off to a fantastic start. Students are embracing tasks, projects, and challenges presented to them and we
Is there a mild feeling of panic in the air at your home? Is your child looking a little bleary, mumbling about studying, feeling guilty
On Monday 28 March, the ‘Performing Arts Perspectives’ was held in the Perth Concert Hall. Twenty-six Dance, Drama and Music students from Kennedy were invited to attend
Students at Kennedy Baptist College have the opportunity to complete vocational studies through the VET delivered to Secondary Students (VETdSS) program. In this issue, we
Kennedy is thriving and our sports teams are doing their best under the current circumstances. Swimming looked a little different this year, with COVID-related restrictions
Exciting News! Kids are back in Kennedy Baptist Centre for face-to-face learning. After 12 months, it is such a joy to have all the kids
2022 is going to be a great year at Kennedy in the Arts Learning Area. All areas are off to a fantastic start and students
Year 9 Chinese Language students went on a digital cultural incursion conducted by the Museum of Chinese Australian History in Victoria during their Chinese lesson.
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